Suggestions and Recommendations

By Alie Kanu

This forum exists to hear your suggestions and recommendations for the college. You may make you point but pleas do so in a very responsible manner with utmost respect for each other’s views.

Polytechnic News

By Alie Kanu

Welcome to the News Channel. Here we will post new updates on the activities of the college. Please check on regular bases on view news of the Freetown Polytechnic as they unfold.   FREETOWN TEACHERS COLLEGE ADMISSIONS FOR 2020/2021 Applications are now open for prospective applicants wishing to gain admission into Freetown Teachers College for…


By Alie Kanu

Welcome to the Complaint Forum. Here you may anonymously post your complaints about our services and deliveries and we will try our best to amicably attend to them. Please note that regular review will be done by the admin to prevent the abuse of the service.